API Reference

When making a request, if you're dealing with a list of data or objects, you can use the following optional queries, depending on your use case:

    To sort, you can use the following query:
    filter={the field you want to sort by}&order={1 for ascending order and -1 for descending order}

    To enable pagination or endless scroll, you can use the following queries:
    pageNo={default=1, this shows the page number to display}&limitNo={default=20, this shows the number of records to display on one page}

    To access data within a specific date range, you can use the following queries:
    fromDate={start date, e.g. 2023-01-28}&toDate={end date, e.g. 2023-02-28}

    To search for a record, use the following queries:
    search={search string}
    The API will perform the search and return a response.